G5457 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


5457phos {foce} 源于一已不使用的字phao (光照或使明显,尤其指用光线,参见5316,5346); TDNT-9:310,1293;中性名词 AV-light 68,fire 2;70

--2d1)了解的能力,尤其指对有关道德及属灵的真理方面 其同义词,见5817

5457phos {foce} from an obsolete phao (to shine or make manifest,especially by rays,cf 5316,5346);TDNT-9:310,1293;n n AV-light 68,fire 2;70

-1a)the light
--1a1)emitted by a lamp
--1a2)a heavenly light such as surrounds angels when they appear on earth
-1b)anything emitting light
--1b1)a star
--1b2)fire because it is light and sheds light
--1b3)a lamp or torch
-1c)light,i.e brightness
--1c1)of a lamp
-2a)God is light because light has the extremely delicate, subtle,pure,brilliant quality
-2b)of truth and its knowledge,together with the spiritual purity associated with it
-2c)that which is exposed to the view of all,openly,publicly
--2d1)the power of understanding esp.moral and spiritual truth For Synonyms see entry 5817